
Come to rock it!


> Children from any Los Alamos or White Rock elementary school and Kindergartens.

> They can participate individually or in groups of up to 3 children. If a person participates in a group, they can no longer apply individually.


Make your mark on the stage!


> Entrance fee for groups is $40, and for individuals is $20. 



  • Name of the team.
  • Title of the act.
  • Name of each member.
  • E-mail and telephone number of the adult in charge of the team.
  • Photograph permission waiver signed by a parent/guardian of each member (take it at SALA or ask for it at sala@losalamos.com).
  • Permission waiver to participate signed by a parent/guardian (take it at SALA or ask for it at sala@losalamos.com)



  •  Participant name.
  •  Title of the act.
  •  E-mail and telephone number of an adult in charge.
  •  Photograph permission waiver signed by a parent/guardian. (take it at SALA or ask for it at sala@losalamos.com)
  •  Permission waiver to participate signed by a parent/guardian. (take it at SALA or ask for it at sala@losalamos.com)

Ready, set, perform!


> Singing, dancing, comedy, skits, reeding poetry, parody, playing instruments and any kind of stage activity.
> Presentations must last up to 4min.

Unleash your talent!


> The auditions will be held during the After School program at SALA, which is every Wednesday from 1pm to 5pm, starting on February 8 and ending on April 5.
> The contest will begin in April, it will be open to the public. Details will be released closer to the date.

Prove you're the best


> The jury for the auditions every Wednesday is made up of SALA staff’s members. 
> The jury for the contest and for the final competition will be announced in April 5. They will be made up for creative members of Los Alamos community, specially invited for each date.

The spotlight is yours


> 1st Prize – SALA Trophy + Gift bag from sponsors + 12 SALA passes.

> 2nd Prize – Honorable mention + Gift bag from sponsors + 6 SALA passes.
> 3rd Prize – Honorable mention + Gift bag from sponsors + 3 SALA passes